Preparing for Online Tests
The key to passing the online tests is preparing smartly and maintaining a presence of mind on the exam day, so that you can assimilate the pressure and keep a calm mind during the test. Here are some tips to prepare for online tests.
Start Preparation Early
Start preparing for your online tests whether it is CBT for UK, or NCLEX for USA, Canada, and Australia, begin your preparation early at least about 3 or 4 months before the exam. Have a regular and dedicated time for preparation.
Enrol in an online course or purchase the official guide
Make sure you cover all the topics and skills that will appear on the official exam. All information on subjects tested will be available on the official exam website.
Practice Tests Everyday
Take several practice tests per day (between 80 and 100 questions) to keep you focused. There are many online resources, where a nurse can take the practice tests.
Understand your weakness and Strength and Prepare
Once you take the practice test you will test the topics you will need to prepare focus. Devote more time to topics that you find difficult to grasp.
Prepare Smart
Study to learn and understand, not to memorize. Read every practice question carefully before selecting the answer. Also, you may want to skip certain topics which you feel are extremely difficult. The aim should be pass the test.
Take Notes and Flash Cards
Take notes. Taking notes on the questions you need to study will reinforce your learning. Flash cards are good way to reinforce key concepts.
Understand the Rationale Behind the Correct Answers
In multiple type question, intuitive reasoning will work, if you can understand the rationales behind each correct answers. In most of the cases, you can easily discard two choices if you understand the question, without knowing the correct answer. If you don’t know the answer right away, try to eliminate one or two of the choices.